The Green Party welcomes you to the Campaign Launch for Christchurch Central candidate Kahurangi Carter.

Hosted at the central and accessible Ally&Sid cafe, located on Walker Street.

WHEN: 6 - 7pm on Thursday, 7 September

You will hear from a handful of Christchurch's best:

- Garry Moore - Former Christchurch Mayor
- Isla Huia - (Te Āti Haunui a-Pāpārangi, Uenuku) A Christchurch-based te reo Māori teacher, writer and musician
- Abby Cunnane - Director of the Physics Room Art Gallery
- Ella Menes - Singer
- Kahurangi Carter - (Ngāti Maniapoto, Tainui) Green Party Christchurch Central candidate, Environmentalist

Please note: there is limited off-street parking; however, you can park in the South City car park about 100 metres away.
We look forward to seeing you!