By Māori for Māori

The Green Party will support and strengthen Kaupapa Māori for today and tomorrow.

Kaupapa Māori approaches are vital in ensuring that the well-being of tangata whenua is prioritised and sustained.

We all benefit from acknowledging and respecting the tino rangatiratanga that tangata whenua hold, as reflected by Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Te ao Māori is what makes us uniquely Aotearoa.

The Green Party recognises the profound inequities that currently exist within the systems designed by successive governments. This has led to Māori facing shorter life expectancies, lower education levels, and lower levels of home ownership than Pākehā.

The time is now to address the deep and ongoing inequities of colonisation and strengthen kaupapa Māori as part of our plan to build an equitable Aotearoa.

We will ensure whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori organisations are properly resourced to support the needs of their communities – recognising that by Māori, for Māori solutions are needed.

The Green Party is committed to ensuring kaupapa Māori is supported and strengthened to prioritise the health and wellbeing of everyone in Aotearoa.

Our plan

  • Resource initiatives run by marae and Māori organisations for te reo Māori education for whānau.
  • Ensure that tikanga Māori and te reo Māori education under Maihi Karauna and Maihi Māori receive funding and support needed to meet aspirations of reo revival, while retaining Māori control.
  • Uphold mātauranga Māori concepts of environmental management and affirm the use of these for decisions about natural resource use, including māhinga kai.
  • Increase funding of Whānau Ora to improve whānau outcomes across multiple areas, including health.
  • Resource marae as community hubs, including as part of civil defence planning.
  • Resource kaupapa Māori initiatives to address risk factors for Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Syndrome, including reducing smoking during pregnancy, supporting breastfeeding, and providing wahakura for safe sleeping.

You can find our full manifesto here