Come join the flaxroots community that is the Green Party while we hear from some of our amazing candidates about issues affecting New Zealand today. After a brief kōrero, we'll do some phonebanking from home using the online platform CallHub so we can reach out to voters to hear about what matters to them, and talk about why they should Party Vote Green. Since we still need to protect each other while maintaining social distancing, phonebanking is the primary way we'll be able to contact voters before the October election, so your dedicated volunteering is more important than ever before!
On Sunday the 20th of September, we'll meet on Zoom at 10:30am to have a discussion on LGBTQ issues with some of the Green Party candidates who are also members of the rainbow community including:
-Ricardo Menéndez-March is a longtime activist, current organiser for Auckland Action Against Poverty, and Green Party candidate standing in Maungakiekie.
-Lawrence Xu-Nan is an educator and advocate for the migrant community, standing as a Green Party candidate in Pakuranga.
-Rimu Bhooi is an advocate for local community, climate justice, and equality, standing as a Green Party candidate in Hamilton East.
Both the kōrero with the candidates and CallHub training will be via Zoom; CallHub is an online program, so there is no need to download anything in preparation. To participate, all you'll need is:
-Good internet connection
-Your own computer (with the latest version of Chrome downloaded)
-Preferably headphones with a mic, but okay to use computer speakers if your room is quiet
The Zoom link is:
See you at 10:30am on Sunday the 20th of September. Thank you so much! :)