​Lifting incomes a priority: Green Party

The Green Party acknowledges the Government’s progress report on implementing the recommendations of the Welfare Expert Advisory Group, as highlighted by the Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni in a speech to the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) today.

Green Party Co-Leader Marama Davidson says that overhauling the welfare system is a key part of the Green Party’s role in Government and must include an increase to core benefits.

“We’re focusing on delivering the priority recommendations from the Welfare Expert Advisory report as soon as possible. That must include increasing core benefits, removing harsh sanctions and removing the Government from people’s relationships so people can maintain their independence.

“Everyone should have what they need to thrive, and yet we know from the experts’ report that incomes are not enough to live on. The Welfare Expert Advisory Group said it best when they said ‘too many people are leading desperate lives with seriously inadequate incomes.’

“We have a responsibility to make sure our social safety net is strong, not just for those who rely on it currently, but for all New Zealanders. This includes a rise in incomes, better access to state and community housing, and removing excessive sanctions.

“We are delighted that the expert report provides such a clear blueprint for change. Now we need to focus on delivering it.”

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