The Green Party supports the Rāhui placed around Waiheke Island by Ngāti Pāoa to protect declining kaimoana and as part of Seaweek, is asking New Zealanders to make submissions to the Ministry of Primary Industries consultation
We know Tīkapa Moana, the Hauraki Gulf, is on the brink of ecological collapse due to decades of overfishing and exploitation for short-term economic gain. We must act now to ensure life flourishes in these waters” says Green Party Auckland Central MP Chlöe Swarbrick.
MPI are now seeking written submissions so that more New Zealanders can show their support for this essential action, which is why this Seaweek we are asking New Zealanders to submit in support of the Rāhui. I was proud to stand on Waiheke’s Oneroa Beach with Ngāti Pāoa and hundreds of supporters as the Rāhui was realised on that early morning in late January.
This Rāhui seeks to protect some of the most precious taonga moana - tipa (scallops), kūtai (mussels), kōura (crayfish) and pāua. By encouraging stocks of these species to replenish over two years in the nautical mile around Waiheke, this Rāhui is one community-led solution of many needed to work towards restoring the health of this moana and its sea life for future generations to enjoy.
The Green Party acknowledges Tangata Whenua as Kaitiaki over our Moana. We want to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi by showing our support to Ngāti Pāoa to put the Rāhui in place, and restore the mauri of the moana around this whenua.