Luxon’s free pass to the fossil fuel industry needs to be stopped
Chris Luxon is giving big oil and gas corporations a free pass at a time when countries all over the world agree to transition away from fossil fuels.
Cruel move to put tobacco profit over people’s health
Sacrificing the health of our rangatahi to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy few is a deeply cynical move and shows this Government is more influenced by lobbyists than evidence.
Government turning its back on working people
The Green Party stands with unions and working people in defense of Fair Pay Agreements.
Teanau Tuiono first Green MP appointed Assistant Speaker
The Green Party is pleased to announce today that MP Teanau Tuiono will be an Assistant Speaker for the 54th Parliament.
Now, more than ever, we must whakamana Te Tiriti o Waitangi
The Green Party is urging the Government to recognise its commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi so our tamariki and mokopuna can grow up in an Aotearoa where their language is celebrated, their health is prioritised, and their whenua is protected.
Government knowingly making life harder for people
Leaked government documents confirm this government will consciously do serious harm to the lives of working people and their whānau.
The future of Aotearoa is at stake
The next 100 days will be a fight for our future.
Green Party unveils portfolio spokespeople for the 54th Parliament
The Green Party is pleased to announce the allocation of portfolios across its largest caucus ever.
The Time is Now for Oceans Protection
Community organisations, mana whenua and the Greens have written to the incoming Minister of Oceans and Fisheries to call for the progression without delay of the Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana Marine Protection Bill.
Greenpeace nitrates research proves need for strong freshwater regulation
The Green Party is welcoming the release of an interactive map which enables people to monitor nitrate levels in their drinking water.