Come join the Mt Roskill team for the Green Party's nationwide Day of Action! We want to contact as many voters in our area as we can, and we need your help to do it!
We'll begin our day at 11am with introductions and a full training session. Even if you have never done a calling session before, feel free to come along: we'll guide you through! If you have your own headset and laptop, please bring them; otherwise there are computers and headsets here for you to use.
There will be a few other teams in the building with us throughout the day, so it's a perfect opportunity to meet other like-minded people in the area. We'll be focusing our team from 11am-2pm, but you can obviously stay as little or long as you like. However, please try to arrive on time for the training session :)
We're so excited to meet all of you and connect during this incredibly important campaign. Thank you so much for volunteering some of your valuable time.