The Green Party welcomes the Government’s move to provide a funding boost to kōhanga reo, said Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson.
“We have seen huge progress revitalising te reo over recent decades, and we owe a lot to the kōhanga reo movement for their role in bringing te reo back from the brink to where we are today.
“The government has a responsibility to ensure our indigenous language thrives in Aotearoa, and this begins with our tamariki.
“Strengthening te reo and kauapa Māori education has been a major priority for the Greens and we are pleased to see the Government undertaking this by supporting our kōhanga reo.
“Learning a second language has proven benefits for all children, as does tamariki Māori being immersed in their own culture. This funding will mean better wages for staff, it will mean volunteer workers can be paid, and will have better outcomes for our tamariki.”