New report shows National going backwards on climate change

A new report released overnight by Germanwatch and Climate Action Network Europe shows the National Government is going backwards on climate change, the Green Party said today.

The report assessed 58 countries on their emissions and efforts to cut climate pollution. New Zealand slipped seven places overall from 35th last year to 42nd, and received an overall mark of ‘poor’, with the effectiveness of the Government’s policies to tackle climate change given the worst possible ranking of ‘very low’.

“It is embarrassing to watch our Prime Minister stand on the world stage and claim that New Zealand is ‘determined to play its part and make a real difference’ on climate change, when he is actually part of the problem,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.

“It’s frustrating enough that we’ve dropped seven places in a highly regarded report; what’s worse is New Zealand is now ranked in the bottom five countries globally for overall climate policy. The National Government has chosen to not take climate change seriously and refuses to seize the opportunities we could all gain by doing something about it.

“New Zealand has three days left to step up in Paris and properly fight for the ambitious climate deal the world needs. So far our Government’s doing more to stymie a good agreement than achieve one.”

“This is the second major assessment of countries’ efforts to tackle climate change in which New Zealand has fallen to the bottom of the pack. Earlier this year climate experts from Climate Action Tracker described the National Government’s target to cut climate pollution as ‘inadequate’.  

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