Auckland-based business Asona is getting $185,000 from the Waste Minimisation Fund to help develop a recycling system for acoustic ceiling panels, Associate Environment Minister Eugenie Sage announced today.
“The Government is committed to reducing the amount of waste going to landfill and to increasing recycling,” Eugenie Sage said.
“New Zealand needs to transition towards a sustainable economy taking a circular economy approach. We need products which are designed to be reused indefinitely, made into something new or returned to nature, where valuable resources are kept cycling in the economy rather than sent to landfill.
“The grant will help Asona reduce an estimated 350 tonnes of ceiling panels going into landfills per year – a worthwhile step in tackling construction waste.
“Asona recently designed and invested in a portable production system that can resurface used ceiling panels on construction sites, reducing waste, transport emissions and construction time.
“This is great example of another New Zealand company helping shift us towards a more sustainable economy and finding business opportunities in the process,” Eugenie Sage said.
The Waste Minimisation Fund provides financial support to projects that promote or achieve waste minimisation. The levy on landfills generates revenue for the Fund.
For more information on the Waste Minimisation Fund visit: