NZ joins G20 climate problem

Confirmation this morning by John Key that his Government plans to do nothing to turn around NZ's rapidly rising greenhouse emissions means that New Zealand joins Australia as one of the problem children at the G20 meeting in Brisbane, the Green Party said.

Confirmation this morning by John Key that his Government plans to do nothing to turn around NZ's rapidly rising greenhouse emissions means that New Zealand joins Australia as one of the problem children at the G20 meeting in Brisbane, the Green Party said.


Advice from officials, obtained by the Green Party under the Official Information Act, highlights that the gap between New Zealand’s commitment to reduce emissions and reality is widening. A briefing from the Ministry for the Environment released last week states emissions have increased by a quarter since 1990, ‘and are projected to rise substantially in the time to 2050.’


“John Key this morning repeatedly claimed New Zealand’s increasing emissions were okay, and ruled out measures that would cut New Zealand’s emissions,” said Dr Russel Norman.


“While some of his ministers are climate science deniers John Key claims he is not. But he’s denying that New Zealand’s increasing emissions are a problem.


“In terms of action he might as well as be a denier because he has no plan or policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


“You couldn’t fit a cigarette paper between Key and Abbott, neither of them are serious about reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


“We know under current settings New Zealand’s emissions will increase.


"The deal between big polluters China and the United States to cut emissions has created an opportunity for the climate problem countries like Australia and New Zealand to change their stance, but it seems that John Key is determined to carry on increasing New Zealand's emissions regardless.


“John Key’s climate policy is failing New Zealand.


“We can do our fair share, but we need to start now.


“We need a plan to meet our targets, instead of a plan to increase emissions.” said Dr Norman.

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