Oceans are the lifeblood of our planet. Home to a vast array of species and delicate ecosystems, and a source of kai and recreation. Our marine environments must be protected for future generations.

In Government, we’ve doubled the size of the protected area for Māui and Hector’s dolphins and banned new offshore oil and gas drilling.

Our oceans and marine life are still being harmed by overfishing, sediment, and nutrient and plastic pollution. Proposals for seabed mining threaten the marine habitats and ecological health of our oceans.

The political influence of the fishing industry means overfishing and destructive fishing methods – such as bottom trawling, dredging, and set netting – continue, severely impacting fish stocks, seabirds, and dolphins. The Green Party is not in the pocket of big fishing companies. We are committed to ensuring the survival and restoration of marine environments for future generations.

The Green Party will prioritise the health and sustainability of fisheries by protecting areas rich in ocean life and biodiversity. Restoration of our marine environments will be a major focus of government policy. We will ensure te Tiriti o Waitangi is honoured, affirming iwi and hapū kaitiaki rights over the marine environment, and recognising the marine environment is home to many taonga.

The Green Party will:

  • Protect and prioritise recreational and customary fishing over commercial fishing.

  • Ban set netting and phase out the most destructive forms of commercial fishing, such as bottom trawling, dredging, and other bottom impact methods.

  • Ban seabed mining and seismic surveying for minerals.

  • Seek to finalise negotiations on the Global Ocean Treaty, and reform and  replace  relevant  legislation in Aotearoa to enable a network of Marine Protected Areas that recognises te Tiriti o Waitangi rights and responsibilities.

  • Accelerate the roll-out of monitoring cameras on commercial fishing boats.

  • Restore shellfish beds in areas such as the Hauraki Gulf.

  • Investigate the development of proposals for integrated marine ecosystem management for all  activities.  This will include commercial fishing, within a kaitiakitanga framework, that ensures ngā taonga ō te moana are managed responsibly for current and future generations with te Tiriti o Waitangi honoured.

  • Facilitate discussions to progress and create the Kermadec Rangitahua Ocean Sanctuary.


Read more about our green vision for Aotearoa