Pay women more

The Government should set a target date for when women will be paid on par with men in the public sector to show that it take fair pay seriously this Equal Pay Day, the Green Party said today.

November 10 is Equal Pay Day, and Green Party MP’s will be joining the “We’re relying on you” campaign picnic run by unions at 1pm on Parliament lawns," Green Party social development spokesperson Jan Logie said.

“We know that because the difference of what women and men are paid has gotten worse under the National Government," Green Party

“What is needed is concrete targets that the Government commits to, and sets in place a plan to achieve.

“Women effectively work from now until the end of the year unpaid. There is 14 per cent of the year left to run and, as New Zealand women on average earn 14 per cent an hour less than men, the rest of the year is effectively women working for free.

“Women have been underpaid, and undervalued for too long. Women deserve to be paid better.

“Māori and Pasifika women have already begun working for free this year, and it is not okay for this pay inequality to continue.

“The Government’s inaction on this issue is costing New Zealand women. Girls born today can look forward to a lifetime of being underpaid, and it is not good enough,” Ms Logie said.

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