Thriving Rainbow communities.
The Green Party will support Rainbow and Takatāpui people to live with dignity, equality and respect.
Aotearoa can be a place where everyone - no matter who we are, where we’re from, how we express our gender, or who we love - is supported to live healthy, happy, and connected lives.
Takatāpui and Rainbow people still face significant barriers to living freely, including discrimination and a lack of access to essential services.
This can have a huge impact on people’s physical and mental health, and sense of safety in our community.
Rainbow people are also more likely to be disabled, twice as likely to experience depression and anxiety, and earn less than the rest of the population.
The Green Party has achieved some important changes for Rainbow and Takatāpui people.
We changed the Census to include questions about gender identity, and succeeded in making the government fast-track a law change to ban harmful conversion therapy.
Our plan to uphold Rainbow rights includes the creation of a new Ministry for Rainbow Communities to give Rainbow and Takatāpui communities a much-needed voice across government.
The time is now to support, empower, and resource our Rainbow, Takatāpui, and intersex communities with everything they need to live a good life.
Our plan
- Establish a Ministry for Rainbow Communities to ensure Rainbow communities are involved in policies, strategies and programmes that affect
them. - Work with Māori and Pasifika Takatāpui, MVPFAFF+, trans, non-binary and intersex people to develop culturally appropriate healthcare services and strategies built on kaupapa Māori and holistic models of care and wellbeing.
- Provide resourcing for organisations that support members of the Rainbow community - including dedicated funding for Māori organisations.
- Resource and promote clear pathways for timely, free, non-discriminatory access to all forms of gender-affirming healthcare based on informed consent and self-determination.
- Promote the human rights of Takatāpui and Rainbow people, and amend the Human Rights Act to clarify that all forms of sexual orientation, gender identity and variations in sex characteristics, are prohibited grounds of discrimination.
- Support the intersex community to implement a human-rights and mātauranga Māori framework for intersex healthcare reform, resource the development of a national peer-support programme for intersex/VSC community and whānau, and ensure the development of training for all healthcare professionals in culturally competent and rights-based intersex care.
- Reform laws and policies so Rainbow asylum seekers, refugees and migrants can access legal gender recognition, partnership recognition, family reunification, and resettlement support.