RMA Reform - Policy Consultation Hui
The Policy Committee is hosting a members-only consultation call in preparation for the repeal and replacement of the Resource Management Act, which is slated for Parliamentary business later in the year.
When: Wednesday 19th May 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Where: Join us on Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83966271279?pwd=K0JNTmxCcFd0QVJHaE9CQ1hiSEZ4Zz09
Please come prepared to discuss which priorities you believe our MPs should prioritise in the new resource management legislation.
During the 'Beyond the RMA' workshop at the Summer Gathering 2021, participants answered a number of questions on their priorities for RMA reform. If you were not at this workshop, but would like to have your say, please fill out this survey prior to the 19th