The Rural Greens network aims to represent and support any Green Party member interested in rural issues focusing on farming and food production, the sustainability of rural communities and biodiversity preservation.
The purpose of the Rural Green network:
- To support the Agriculture and Rural communities spokesperson by being the eyes and ears on the ground.
- Contribute to the formation of Party policy in areas of interest to the network.
- Find and promote amongst the membership suitable candidates for the list.
- Be involved in election campaigns by supporting candidates and having input into the Campaign Committee on how to effectively campaign in rural communities.
- Act as a support network for geographically isolated members.
To join any network, including Rural Greens, you'll need to be a member of the Green Party. Join the Green Party here.
If you'd like to join the rural greens, please fill out our join form here.
Contact email: [email protected]
You can read the Green Party's Agriculture and Rural Affairs Policy here