The National Government is working against itself and New Zealanders when it comes to social housing, the Green Party said today.
The New Zealand Herald is reporting today that Housing New Zealand applied to evict four per cent of its tenants last year.
“Just a few days ago the Government was being applauded for putting $9 million into programmes to reduce homelessness, but at the same time they are kicking people out with nowhere to go,” Green Party social housing spokesperson Marama Davidson said today.
“The Government’s left hand doesn’t know that its right hand is kicking vulnerable people out of their homes, sometimes for flimsy reasons.
“I’d like to know where the Government expects these families to go once they’ve been booted out of their homes – should they find a car, garage or street to sleep in?
“What we need is a compassionate government that will work with people to help them get past the barriers holding them back.
“New Zealand needs a strong state-housing programme and wrap around social services that will address the causes of homelessness.
“We also need a Government that takes the housing crisis seriously, and recognises that it’s our most vulnerable people who are most affected by the shortage of housing and rising rents,” said Ms Davdison.