On the 18 and 19 of July we have big plans — across Aotearoa we will be making thousands of calls and knocking on thousands of doors in order to have conversations that matter.

We have a big goal in mind, but we know that with you by our side we can make it happen. We’re rallying our volunteers across the country to help us make a huge 12,000 contacts with voters. Can we count on you to join us to help spread our message to voters? 

Don’t worry if you’ve never made calls before — calling is easy even for the newest callers. We’ll provide you with a script and messaging resources. And the best part is, if you can't make one of our events in person you can start calling by joining an event virtually on Zoom, you’ll be joining hundreds of other members of our Green team on the phones. All you'll need is a laptop, headphones and an internet connection!

Calling and talking to voters isn’t about answering tough policy questions (that’s what our MPs and candidates are for!) It’s about changing minds and shifting votes through heartfelt conversations about the Aotearoa we want to see.

We will start with one hour of training followed by two hours of calling. 

To join the meeting you will use our Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5624215662?pwd=bDFkc3RGZHdUZW9LcEZUZVFlUVBLUT09. Keep an eye on your inbox, we'll remind you 1 hour before the meeting.