Get social online and while supporting some great local businesses - invite your whole bubble and have a great night in! View our amazing prizes here!
Tickets: $5 per person up to a maximum of $20 per household team! All proceeds to go towards the Tauranga Green Party Branch. Payment needs to be received by 8pm on Friday April 8th.
How to join: RSVP to receive payment information and a link to join an online Zoom conference call (the quiz will be held there!)
- New Zealand Knowledge
- Places
- Television and Film
- Drinks/Marking break (15min)
- Animals
- Sports & Games
- Song & Dance
- Current Events
How things will run:
- The name you use on Zoom will be your team name.
- The quiz will consist of seven rounds, each with ten questions. So a perfect quiz would be 70/70. See the round titles below.
- There will be a prize for the most creative answer. So if you don't know the answer, be creative instead of cheating and Googling!
- The quizmaster will run a PowerPoint presentation with the questions and then the answers.
- The answers are to be entered into a Google Form (just like an online survey). A link to it will be shared into the zoom chat function prior to the quiz
- A time limit of 30 seconds will be given. After which a buzzer will sound and then the next question will be asked.
- There will be a drinks/marking break (15min) after the first three rounds. Go and dress up into a costume. The best costume will get extra points! A halfway score update will be given after the break.
- There will only be 50 spots available, with a waiting list. Please be considerate to those on the waiting list who will miss out if you don’t turn up when you said you would. A second quiz night will be run for those on the waiting list.
- It is advised to use a computer rather than a phone to join.