We may be socially distanced, but now is the time to come together more than ever!
Come join The Green Party's flaxroots community as we race to the finish line, for both level 3 in Auckland and the election itself! We'll do a massive round of voter outreach this weekend: all online and from the comfort of your own home. This session will feature human rights activist and current MP Golriz Ghahraman, who is standing for Mt. Roskill, as well as educator and activist Lawrence Xu-Nan, who is standing as a Green Party candidate in Pakuranga!
Meeting first on Zoom for introductions and full training, we'll transition onto our online platform called CallHub, where we can reach out to voters in our community to hear about what matters most to them and why they should Party Vote Green! Full training and support is provided on the day, so please feel welcome to attend even if you've never volunteered with the Greens before; we can't wait to meet you.
To participate, all you'll need is:
-A strong internet connection
-Your own laptop
-Headset with a mic, or a quiet room if using your computer's speakers
We will hold several sessions throughout the weekend, to accommodate as many different schedules as possible. This is for the session beginning Saturday the 29th at 11am, and finishing at 1:30pm. Please arrive promptly on the Zoom channel for training :)
Looking forward to seeing you soon!