Welcome to Callhub and Chill: Virtual Edition! We will get together to call voters using our online software CallHub, so we can hear about what matters most to them, and encourage people to Party Vote Green! Due to level 2 restrictions, we will not be able to meet in person, but we're still keen to have a great community vibe while we reach out to voters. So put on your best onesie, grab a snack, and meet us on Zoom from the comfort of your own home!
As usual, we'll begin introductions and a full training session at 5:30pm, then reach out to voters on the phone until 8:00pm, followed by a quick debrief. Feel free to stay for the entire session, or leave whenever you want; we appreciate you volunteering some of your valuable time, and are looking forward to getting to know everyone :)
To participate, you'll need:
-Your own computer
-A strong internet connection (with Chrome downloaded)
-Your own headphones with mic, or a very quiet room if using your laptop speakers.
Use this link to join! https://1on1english.zoom.us/j/648575340
Thank you so much, and see you on the interwebs. We've got this :)