Our Constitution (sections 10.2 and 10.3) requires that approved candidates for any public office must sign and agree to abide by a contract made between themselves and the Party Executive on the agreed basis by which they go forward as candidates.
2022 Local Government Elections: The Candidate Contract
By signing this document (name, address and occupation of candidate):
[insert name] , a member of the Party who wishes to be admitted to the Green Party candidate pool for the 2022 local government elections, contract with the Executive of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand (the Party) as follows:
My obligations as a Green Party candidate:
1. As a Green party candidate, I will:
a. Uphold and abide by the Party’s constitution; and
b. Uphold the Green Party Charter, and honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi; and
c. Promote and abide by the ratified policy of the Party, Policy Guidelines for Candidates, including all Party policy specifically applicable to local government decisions, subject either to registering in accordance with clause 10.3.3 of the Party’s constitution, a conscientious objection to any policy or being permitted to do otherwise by the Party; and
d. Agree to the terms of and be bound by the 2022 Candidate Code of Conduct which takes immediate effect after signing this agreement; and
e. Agree that by applying to the Local Government Candidate Pool, if I am unsuccessful; or am successful but not selected for a specific position, I will not stand against a selected Green Party candidate or Green Party-aligned ticket without the prior written permission from the Province; and
f. Abide by all relevant regulations regarding the disclosure of campaign donations and expenditure. I shall accept responsibility for these disclosures and any disciplinary consequences as a result of failing to meet the requirements of these regulations.
My obligations as an elected local government member:
2. Upon being sworn in as an elected local government member, I will:
a. Continue to be bound by the commitments in 1a, 1b, 1c and 1d of this agreement; and
b. Pay a tithe at the rate of [can be 0% or more and is determed by your local province or Te Rōpū Pounamu and you]% of gross income to my province (excluding allowances) earned in the fulfilment of my role as a local government elected member; and
c. continue to support and work for the policies and principles upon which I campaigned; and
d. report back to my local branch/province on a regular basis, and provide my local membership with opportunities to provide feedback directly to me on key decisions within the scope of my role; and
e. collaborate with other Green elected members within the same jurisdictional body and support their work so far as it relates to promoting Green Party policy. This includes but is not limited to: caucusing with fellow Green elected members to secure portfolios and committee positions, collaborating on strategic policy objectives, and taking every reasonable step to uplift and support the work and mana of fellow Green elected members.
Grievance/disagreement, mediation and disciplinary process
3. I agree that any disagreement between me and the Party, including any decision about my candidacy will be settled using the following process:
a. If either the Party or I believe we have a disagreement with the other, including one arising because of a decision about my candidacy, we must each promptly alert one another in writing. In the event where a candidate must alert the Party of a disagreement, an email or letter will be sent to the Campaign Manager; and
b. All who are parties to the dispute must meet promptly to discuss the issue to try, in good faith, to resolve it; and
c. Those involved must attempt to resolve the issue by discussion and consensus decision making as required by clause 14.1 of the Party’s constitution; and
d. Anyone involved may require all involved to accept assistance from a facilitator, whether within or outside the Party, to assist resolution; and
e. Breach of the candidate code of conduct or breach of contract may result in a withdrawal of the candidate’s Green Party endorsement and being barred from future Green Party endorsement for local government or general election candidacy subject to the consideration of the Executive in consultation with Local Government Campaign Management Committee; and
f. Should the candidate or local government representative resign from the Green Party, or let their Green party membership lapse for a period longer than six months, this will be considered a breach of contract.
Please confirm which of the following options you want to be considered for:
- Green Candidate (I agree to be bound by the Party’s rules for Green candidates, including adherence to Party branding and communications guidelines and public adherence to any official Party local government campaign, and will identify as a Green Party candidate as part of my official registration)
- Endorsed Member Candidate (I agree to be bound by the Party’s rules for Endorsed Member candidates, and will not identify as an independent in the affiliation section as part of my official registration)
- Affiliated Green Candidate (I agree to be bound by the Party’s rules for Green candidates and the terms of the agreement between political parties and other entities upon which the approved ticket is based)
I wish to be considered a [Green Candidate/Endorsed Member Candidate/Affiliated Green Candidate]
I confirm that I am a current financial member of the Green Party, and I am on the electoral roll, and I am a New Zealand Citizen.
I confirm that I have read and understood
- The Local Government Candidate Code of Conduct
- The Local Government Candidates and Campaigning Status document
- The Local Government Candidate Selection Rules and Guidelines
- The Local Government Policy Guidelines for Candidates
Email/return this form to your designated local government election organiser