Come join us to make a difference! As part of a National Week of Action, and celebrating a final policy announcement, we're heading out across 3 electorates here in Ōtautahi and will be joined by our Green Party candidates from across the city.

Whether it's about an income guarantee for all, free dental care for all, or warm dry homes with a cap on rent, having conversations with people who care about these issues and are wondering who to vote for, is the most effective way to help get more Green MPs in parliament this election.

It's an effective, fun and rewarding way to bring politics closer to the people around us, and a great way for people to learn more about voting Green.

WHEN 1 - 3.45 pm on Sunday 10 September followed by pizza and a debrief until 4.45pm
WHERE Meet at Formaggios Ristorante & Pizzeria, 150 Colombo St, Sydenham 

:handshake: Everyone is welcome! From first timers to seasoned campaigners, we provide full training. We'll start the day with introductions and explanations, training for newcomers, and then knock on some doors to have conversations with voters.

🍕 When we finish, we'll debrief and eat pizza generously supplied by Warren and the team at Formaggio's <3 

:house_with_garden: Keen to join? Please RSVP so we cater for the right number of people. Be sure to bring good walking shoes and a waterproof jacket, just in case the weather turns!:umbrella_with_rain_drops:

:mask: P.S. Please stay home if you're feeling unwell, so we can best look after everyone's wellbeing.