Join your Auckland Central MP Chlöe Swarbrick and guests for a community hui where we discuss, dream and reimagine life on Aotea Great Barrier.

The pandemic has forced us to do things we never thought possible. There’s no better time to discuss the future of Aotea.

What do you love about living on the beautiful and remote island?

What are the biggest challenges?

What does prioritising our people and our planet look like on and around Aotea?

Chlöe will be joined for this online hui by local guests Izzy Fordham, Taumata Toki and Tim Higham as we have a kōrero about Aotea and ask for your feedback. 

Register now to receive the Zoom link to join us. 



Local guests: 

Izzy Fordham, Aotea/Great Barrier Local Board Chair

Taumata Toki, Ngāti Rehua Ngāti Wai ki Aotea Trustee

Tim Higham, island-based writer, currently supporting conservation projects, Destination Great Barrier Island and the Small Island Big Ideas festival