The Green Party are committed to an accessible and inclusive Aotearoa where everyone has what they need to participate fully in their community. Join Green Party MPs to hear about the progress we've achieved for disabled people in this term of Government and our vision for the advocacy we know must continue for disabled people to live with dignity.
You'll hear from Green Party co-leaders Hon. Marama Davidson and Hon. James Shaw, as well as this term's Green disability spokeperson Jan Logie. The event is facilitated by the co-convenors of the Green Party's disability network Áine Kelly-Costello and Jonty Carroll. The event will be NZSL interpreted.
We'll have time for a few questions. You can ask your question in writing on the zoom webinar, or by emailing [email protected]
Let Áine know if you have any other access needs for taking part. Email [email protected].
RSVP for the zoom link!