Strap on your coolest and comfiest sneaks because we’re getting out in our community to talk about life in Pōneke and what matters to them in this year’s 2022 Local Government Elections.
Join us we head out doorknocking in Kelburn, talking to the locals about how Tam can serve them as the inner-city representative for the Pukehinau/Lambton ward on Wellington City Council, and the her vision for local and regional councils working together to make our city and region safe, liveable and accessible for everyone.
Getting out and talking with potential voters is the best way to understand how to serve them best, but we know doorknocking can be intimidating if you’ve never done it before. That’s why we’re providing a volunteer hub for you to meet before heading out with our teams, regroup throughout the day, and grab some kai to refuel.
If it’s your first time, no worries. We can team you up with more experienced people and we’ll give you some on-the-day training to make sure you have what you need to have a good day out talking to voters.
If you can't stay the whole day that's okay, just stay for as long as you can. Any help is appreciated!
Hope to see you there!