With less than a month before advance voting starts, the flaxroots community of the Green Party is kicking into high gear! Come be part of our amazing team of volunteers while we talk to voters in your area about issues that matter most to them, and why they should Party Vote Green!

Research all over the world has proven that meaningful, face-to-face interactions are the most effective way to win votes. By giving us just a few hours of your time, you're dramatically increasing the likelihood of a progressive government in 2020 that will prioritize the battle against climate change and the fight for racial and economic justice. Even if you've never volunteered with us before, please feel free to RSVP and come along: we provide full training and support on the day!

We will be hosting sessions all day long from 16 Bond Street. This event is for the morning session: please arrive by 10:30am for training. We'll have some tea, practice until we're comfortable, get door-knocking, and then come back for a quick debrief of our experiences to head off by 2:30. 

Thank you so much for your time; we've got this!

*To get inside the gate, just pull the string to the right and go right through the front door :)