Wellington bus operator Infratil’s decision to repower its iconic electric trolley buses with electric drivetrains is a victory for the environment and all those who campaigned to keep clean buses in the capital, the Green Party said.
“Electric buses will be excellent for Wellington’s air quality and for reducing our contribution to climate pollution,” said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter.
“I want to congratulate Infratil for making a good decision, and also congratulate the people who signed postcards and petitions asking Infratil not to replace the trolley buses with dirty diesels.
“This is a big win for the Wellingtonians who stood up and said they didn’t want to see their city choked by fumes from diesel-hybrid buses.
“In the absence of any Government action on climate change, it’s this kind of leadership that will see New Zealand finally start to make some progress toward reducing our climate pollution.
“Electric buses and other electric vehicles are the way of the future. They will help keep our air clean, help stop climate change, and help us reduce our annual $6 billion bill for oil imports.
“With more private companies jumping on the electric vehicle bandwagon every week, it’s past time that the National Government started walking the talk on electric vehicles.
“Investing in electric buses is exactly the kind of transformative decision the Government needs to lead on, so all businesses can follow suit. National continues to let New Zealanders down by failing to lead on doing our bit to protect the climate," Ms Genter said.