The Green Party has today welcomed Wellington City Council’s proposed social and affordable housing plan as an example of how to help solve the housing crisis.
“This is the kind of affordable house-building project that could and should be happening all over New Zealand, not just in the capital – but we need central government leadership to get the scale of building needed to really make a difference nationwide,” said Green Party Co-leader James Shaw.
“On Wellington City Council, the Greens and Labour are backing solutions to the housing crisis and, from September, we’ll be showing we can work together in government too.
“Wellington City Council made the right decision not to sell its social housing stock, and now it’s leading the charge to improve those homes and build more for Wellington’s families.
“Wellington City Council are rolling up their sleeves and getting stuck in, while housing minister Nick Smith sits on the side-lines and makes excuses for nine years of dithering.
“Councils who are doing good things with housing need a government that will back them, and a Green-Labour Government will do that,” Mr Shaw said.
More information about the Green Party’s housing plan is available at