Join Chennoah and Gwen to go over the Strategy for our Get Out the Vote (GOTV) phase, beginning when voting opens on October 3rd.

What is GOTV? 

GOTV starts when early voting opens on October 3rd and runs till the 16th of October. On Election day, there are stricter rules regarding what we can do. 

  • During GOTV, we will only call and door knock our score 1s and 2s (supporters) to help them make a plan to vote. 
  • Local teams can scrutineer, campaign more than 10m away from the entrance of a polling place, and give rides to polling places. 
  • The central team will keep texting and emailing to get more voter IDs (support scores) so that teams can call and door knock them, but we won’t be calling and door knocking new people.
  • The central team will be emailing to “triple the vote”. This means we’ll be emailing supporters to ask them to commit to getting three friends to Party Vote Green, then we’ll remind them to do so!

This is a Zoom meeting, to join use this link: