A Green Party member’s bill that allows New Zealanders to know where their food comes was passed almost unanimously by Parliament today, Green Party MP Gareth Hughes has announced.
A Green Party member’s bill that allows New Zealanders to know where their food comes was passed almost unanimously by Parliament today, Green Party MP Gareth Hughes has announced.
“We’ve established that people have a right to know where their food comes from,” Green MP Gareth Hughes said.
“Kiwi consumers will now have greater information so they can exercise their consumer power and choice.
“It’s a good day for New Zealanders and for New Zealand producers.
“The food covered under my bill includes vegetables, frozen fruit, seafood and meat including cured pork products such as ham and bacon.
“These are foods with one ingredient, unprocessed or minimally processed.
“This bill is a food labelling foundation and there is scope to extend mandatory labelling to cover more foodstuffs later on through Fair Trading Act regulations.
“I’d like to thank Sue Kedgley and Steffan Browning for their work on the original bill, Ministers O’Connor and Faafoi and the Primary Productions Select Committee for their constructive engagement.
“After a very long campaign, the Green Party is proud to have guided it into law”.