The Green Party is deeply concerned by today’s report highlighting MSD’s gross intrusion into the private lives of New Zealanders, Green Party spokesperson on Human Rights Golriz Ghahraman said today.
The Privacy Commissioner has released a report into illegal behaviour that saw phone records, birthing records and intimate images handed over to the state.
“We need to be clear that this sort of privacy breach by the state is completely unacceptable. Human rights cannot be suspended just because people are in need of state support” Golriz said.
“For too long, this punitive culture of beneficiary bashing has led to degrading and now unlawful treatment of those in most need of support.”
“A State Services Commission report last year showed that a culture of surveillance and intrusion into people’s private lines had emerged under the last Government and this needs to stop, permanently."
“MSD’s culture of enforcement and intrusive inquiry shows that we need to put the heart back into our social support system and support people to thrive rather than intruding in their private lives."