The Green Party welcome moves to make huge multinational companies like Facebook and Google pay their fair share of tax in New Zealand.
The Green Party welcome moves to make huge multinational companies like Facebook and Google pay their fair share of tax in New Zealand.
“Right now, working New Zealanders pay around $8000 a year if you’re on the average wage of around $50,000. Google pays next to nothing. This is flatly wrong”, Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said today.
“Google and Facebook should not get to make money in New Zealand and not pitch in for our hospitals and schools like the rest of us.
“I am thrilled that our Government will be closing this tax loophole that huge multinationals have profited off of for far too long.
“The Green Party has long advocated for changes to the tax system to ensure that everyone pays their fair share for the public services that improve the life and wellbeing of everyone.
“We’re delighted that in Government, that is now starting to happen”.