Kia ora e hoa ma,
Help me get a great Green Party vote in Dunedin.
We need all the help we can get to build a climate justice future. We need radical and transformative change to fix the systems that have been failing us all for decades.
You can support our team, building a people-powered community movement, working together to create a safer & more resilient world. Our campaign is run by many volunteers and your contribution makes a real difference in getting our message out.
We’re running a smart campaign, making the most of social and digital media. If you can afford it every donation means we can support local artists, contact even more people, and look after our volunteers.
This is to get more Green representation in Government so the many diverse voices from within our communities are heard.
We are many and together we really can make this happen.
Ngā mihi nui,
Jack Brazil
Ōtepoti Candidate
You can get in touch with Jack at [email protected]