Our country is facing some of the biggest choices we’ve had to make in a hundred years.
As we borrow tens of billions of dollars and inject it into rebuilding our economy, we have both a moral and an economic responsibility to use that money to work on the long-term challenges that our children would otherwise have to inherit, deal with, and pay for themselves.
Like the climate crisis, the housing crisis, the crisis in our rivers and our lakes, our oceans and in our forests. Or the failing water pipes under our cities and towns, our ever-expanding landfills, or the need for more and cleaner energy to power a zero-carbon economy.
But the Greens are the only party in Parliament making this case right now.
The protagonists of our recovery story are not convention centres, but people. With the Greens as the heart of the next government, the COVID-19 stimulus won’t be merely a return to the status quo, but a renewal.
I can’t do it without you – the funds we have will determine how effectively we can campaign; how much money we have for campaign staff, advertising, billboards, volunteer organising and leaflets.
This will have the single largest influence on how many Green MPs I can bring with me back into Parliament and into the next government.
Please donate today and help me return more Greens to government. And thank you for your support.