Climate action that works for everyone

The Green Party will build an inclusive low-carbon Aotearoa that works for everyone.

Aotearoa can take bold climate action in a way that is fair to everyone.

Previous governments have managed periods of economic change badly. Each time, a few people at the top amassed a larger share of wealth, while thousands of families and communities were left to struggle.

The transition to a low-carbon future must be different.

The Green Party will cut climate pollution in a just, inclusive, and equitable way, which will make life better for everyone and improve our communities.

Our climate plan will create thousands of well-paid, meaningful jobs, and provide training opportunities and decent, secure work for people moving out of carbon-intensive industries. At the same time, our plan will reduce household bills by switching from fossil fuels to clean, affordable energy. We will also make sure unions, iwi, and affected communities have a central voice in planning the transition.

The time is now to take action to build a low-carbon future for Aotearoa where everyone has what they need to put food on the table, a safe place to call home and live a good life.

Our Plan

  • Bring together unions, government, employers, iwi and hapū to implement the Equitable Transition Strategy (from the Emissions Reduction Plan) towards a
    low-emissions economy where workers throughout Aotearoa have good and sustainable jobs.
  • Ensure an equitable transition grounded in Te Tiriti o Waitangi for Māori working in emissions intensive areas, including by prioritising the Māori economy when
    developing low-emissions jobs in affected regions.
  • Reform Rau Paenga to operate as a Ministry of Green Works to support a low emissions and climate resilient Aotearoa, with stable jobs delivering public infrastructure.
  • Ensure that workers and unions have a strong voice in transition plans for specific industries. Develop active labour-market measures to support workers to retrain and to match skills development with available jobs when workers are made redundant due to industry changes.
  • Train more people for clean energy careers with a Clean Energy Industry Transition Plan, developed with the energy industry, training providers, and unions.

You can find our full manifesto here.