Join our Green MPs, hosted by Canterbury Campus Greens!
Spend the evening with Green Party Co-Leader Chlöe Swarbrick, MP for Wellington Central Tamatha Paul, Ricardo Menéndez March and our very own Christchurch-based Kahurangi Carter
We'll kick off the evening with kai and kōrero, giving you a chance to mingle and submit your questions for the MPs. Following this, we will answer your questions in a lounge-style chat, for a relaxed discussion about politics in Aotearoa.
Afterwards, our MPs will provide an update on our latest campaign on renter’s rights. You’ll have the opportunity to share your stories with our MPs, helping them to fight for you in the halls of Parliament.
Don't miss this chance to engage with your MPs in a casual and friendly environment!
Ngā mihi nui
Please help us keep our people-powered campaign healthy – do not attend if you are sick, and please RAT ahead of events if you have symptoms of Covid-19.