Forestry sector must compensate for slash damage
The Green Party welcomes today’s release of the report of the Ministerial Inquiry into slash and sediment, and are clear that the forestry industry must foot more of the bill.
Govt must break up supermarkets
The Government needs to do much more to address supermarket profiteering, which is driving high food prices.
Action to support people to put food on the table more urgent than ever
Yet another increase in food prices shows the urgent need for the Government to tax wealth and use the money to help people put food on the table.
Labour left floundering on seabed health
Labour has once again avoided taking decisions to protect ocean health and shown exactly why we need more Green MPs.
Government needs to broaden KiwiRail inquiry focus
The Green Party is calling on the Government to broaden the focus of its inquiry into KiwiRail, after widespread disruption in Auckland.
Stronger action on seabed mining needed
The Green Party welcomes the Government’s invitation to a Parliamentary select committee to inquire into seabed mining and whether current law and regulations are appropriate but says it would prefer faster action to ban seabed mining in our domestic waters and EEZ.
The time is now for overstayer amnesty
With the alarming number of Dawn Raids occurring, the Green Party is calling on the Minister to immediately grant an amnesty to all overstayers.
Greens launch petition to protect conservation lands from mining by Mineralogy International Limited
The Green Party has today launched a petition calling for conservation land to be protected from mining by big overseas companies such as Mineralogy International Limited, which Australian billionaire Clive Palmer is a director of.
Lower North Island rail on the right track, but more investment needed
Government investment in a new fleet of trains in the lower North Island is another win for Green Party solutions - but much more ambition will be needed to build a truly climate-friendly network of intercity passenger services across Aotearoa.
Another “no frills” vision on tax
It could not be clearer: more Green MPs is the only way New Zealand will get a government that will rebalance the tax system and provide everyone with what they need to live a good life.