Govt changes fall short of what’s needed for migrant protection
The Green Party will keep up the fight to support exploited migrant workers, including pushing to end single employer visas, after the government picked up Green recommendations to improve immigration settings.
Clean Power Payment the smartest way forward to reduce emissions and bills
Green Party co leader James Shaw visited a home in Auckland today that has been upgraded with a wide range of energy improvements, similar to those that would be supported through the Green Party’s Clean Power Payment.
Free school lunches paid for with a wealth tax
The Green Party will expand free school lunches and pay for it with a fair tax system.
Greens would push Labour much further on solar power
Labour’s plan to support rooftop solar is a step in the right direction, but falls short of what could be achieved through the Green Party’s Clean Power Payment.
Green Party confirms plan for five weeks annual leave
Speaking at the E Tū Election Launch in Auckland today, Green Party co leader Marama Davidson outlined the Green Party’s manifesto commitment to ensure everyone has five weeks of annual leave.
A National/ACT Government would make life miserable for those already worst off
Only a party vote for the Greens will end poverty. ACT’S welfare policy announced today is as cruel as it gets.
State of books makes clear case for wealth tax
The case for a wealth tax has never been stronger.
Healthy Ocean Act - Marama Davidson Speech
He mōhio ō tātou tīpuna ki te tirotiro taiao.
Greens will demand Minister for Oceans and Fisheries to lead ocean rescue plan
The Green Party will protect 30% of the ocean by 2030, create an independent Ocean Commission to advise the government, and put a Green Minister for Oceans and Fisheries in charge of making it happen.
Bills lower, climate happier under Green Party plan
Labour’s announcement of an energy rebate is a step in the right direction, but the Greens’ Clean Power Payment would do much more for households.