Our MP Eugenie Sage and Mike Davidson will be hosting this event

Radical Law Reform to Protect Nature and the Climate

We are living with climate breakdown, people are suffering and nature is being driven to extinction, across Aotearoa and overseas. Communities are calling for action. Teall will outline radical legal reforms needed to protect nature and the climate. Critically, we must look after people and uphold the Tino Rangatiratanga of hapū, whānau and iwi while making these important changes.

About Teall

  • Teall Crossen is an environmental barrister and international lawyer.
  • She has advised Forest and Bird, Greenpeace International and Pacific governments on biodiversity and climate justice.
  • Teall was a list candidate for the Greens in 2017 and 2020 
  • You can find more about Teall here: https://environmentaljustice.co.nz/

Smash Palace Venue

Smash Palace is a popular inner city bar in the heart of Christchurch - they brew their own beer and have a friendly informal and mostly outside venue. Towards the back there is a brick building where the meeting will be.  Buy something to drink at the bus - bar on your way through.