Come join the Tai Tokerau Green Party for our Northland Wide Campaign Launch!

Join Te Rōpū Kākāriki co-leaders Marama Davidson, James Shaw and Northland Province to meet our 2023 General Election candidates across the Māori and General electoral rolls:
● Hūhana Lyndon (Tai Tokerau)
● Reina Tuai Penney (Northland)
● Rick Bazeley (Whangārei)

Tickets are on sale online at this link and at the door with a sliding scale from $20 - $70+ (koha mai tautoko mai!).

The venue is Phat House Brewery at Haruru Falls with accessible parking available. If any other access or dietary needs please email our team. There will be loud noises.

Please do not attend if you are sick.
Your koha will contribute towards covering the costs of the event.

Get your ticket!