Come and join like minded folks for our next Aoraki volunteer event - find out what you can do to help
Our Aoraki 2020 campaign is underway...
- Are you keen to make a difference
- Do you want more Greens in Parliament?
- Overwhelmed by climate change and inequity and don't know what you can do to help?
Join us on ZOOM
This is a chance to meet some other volunteers, see how you can be involved. This week as well Axel Wilke will talk about how he and Lan Pham organised a volunteer base starting from scratch for their ECan elections.
We hope to have check ins like this regularly - so we can keep in touch with people who have signed up to volunteer, so you can meet some of the others involved, and you can see what is coming up that you can be part of.
Aoraki Green Volunteers - you can help us make a difference!
Right now our focus is on growing our volunteer base :)
Join our Facebook Group for Christchurch Green Party Volunteers here
Join our Mailchimp volunteers Email list here and let us know what you are interested in doing, what you need training in and what electorate you are in