Auckland is down to Level 2 and back in action! This flaxroots community has done an incredible job of continuing to support each other while still volunteering from home, but with just 21 days to go until Election Day, we're ready to meet in person, share some kai, and call more voters to encourage them to Party Vote Green!
The Green Party Auckland Office will be open from 11am-3pm for volunteer calling on our online phonebanking platform, CallHub (please note there is still NO doorknocking in Auckland this weekend); there is no obligation to stay the entire time. If you can't make it by 11am, feel free to come by anyway; we'll provide continuous training as people drop in. At 1pm, we'll stop for some kai and virtual kōrero focusing on the housing crisis with Green Party candidate for Maungakiekie, Ricardo Menéndez March.
Some snacks will be provided, but more are always welcome ;)
We have lots of computers and headsets for your use, but please bring your own laptop and headphones if you have them (with Chrome installed). We will have hand sanitizer available and will be doing a full clean of the office each night; everyone who enters the office must scan the QR code for the COVID-19 contact tracing app.