The Green Party supports an international rules-based-order that protects and restores the environment, upholds fundamental human rights and international justice, and acts in unison in a responsible and non-violent manner to support peace globally.


Aotearoa New Zealand takes independent, principled stances on the global stage to cooperatively uphold the rights and interests of all and our planet, now and in the future.

Values and Principles

Aotearoa New Zealand's work with other countries and overseas organisations must be consistent with the following values and principles:  

  • Honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi: Aotearoa New Zealand’s global relations should uphold the articles of Te Tiriti and support all indigenous peoples and their global movements, including movements to return land dispossessed by colonisation.
  • Ecological Wisdom: The global ecological foundations that sustain life must be urgently protected and restored and be at the heart of our relations with the rest of the world. 
  • Social Responsibility: Global equity and justice are foundations for the security, prosperity and resilience of all countries. 
  • Appropriate Decision-Making: In support of shared responsibility and respect, Aotearoa New Zealand should support international rule of law, and fair, impartial and transparent national and international institutions based in law, as key mechanisms to address global challenges.
  • Non-Violence: Meaningful, rapid cooperation among all states and other international communities is required to peacefully and successfully resolve challenges that have their roots in global systems.
  • Complexity: The interconnected nature of global challenges and their systemic causes requires a sustained, dynamic approach that includes overseas and international organisations.
  • Integrity: Criticism of any foreign state or overseas organisation by Aotearoa New Zealand for violation of these principles should never be muted in the name of narrow economic or political interests, or historic affiliations.

Strategic Priorities

“We recognise:

  • The unprecedented scale and urgency of the ecological crises facing our nation and our planet.
  • The large and growing scale of local and global inequalities and their role in the ecological crises we face.”

Actions in this policy that will help build global efforts to address global ecological and inequity crises include:

  • Advocate for strengthened agreements managing the ecological health of the global commons, including high seas, air and globally significant ecological assets, including biodiversity. (1.1)
  • Support rapid international phasing-out of practices and substances that threaten the ongoing viability of humanity and other species. (1.11)
  • Support, as a States Party, Ecocide to be added as the fifth crime to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. (1.2)
  • Recognise the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities by working cooperatively, generously and respectfully with other countries to address global challenges, taking an enabling approach to support countries that have less capability to contribute to solving global problems. (3.1)
  • Advocate for the development of an international agreement to protect the rights of unprotected groups, such as the Rainbow community. (2.4)
  • Advocate for cancellation of unjust debt and unconditional debt relief measures to alleviate global inequality. (2.8)

Connected Policies

This policy is connected to our Human Rights, Immigration, and Trade and Foreign Investment Policies.


Latest Foreign Affairs Announcements


Greens welcome Gaza ceasefire, but say more work to do

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Urgent wake-up call on climate

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NZ must pursue independent foreign policy

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Greens support call for divestment from illegal Israeli settlements

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Potential intelligence sharing with Israel must be investigated

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Govt must act on Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine

The Green Party is calling on the Government to take action off the back of the International Court of Justice ruling on Israel’s illegal occupatio...
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