Greens will demand Minister for Oceans and Fisheries to lead ocean rescue plan
The Green Party will protect 30% of the ocean by 2030, create an independent Ocean Commission to advise the government, and put a Green Minister for Oceans and Fisheries in charge of making it happen.
Bills lower, climate happier under Green Party plan
Labour’s announcement of an energy rebate is a step in the right direction, but the Greens’ Clean Power Payment would do much more for households.
Greens welcome launch of Te Ohu Tāmaki and challenges other parties on housing
The Green Party is welcoming the launch of Te Ohu Tāmaki, and affirms its commitment to clear the social housing waitlist in 5 years - and challenges other parties to say they will do the same.
National put climate action into reverse gear
The National Party’s plan to install EV chargers while at the same time making it harder for people to buy an EV is bizarre and ridiculous.
National’s climate pledge a joke
Today’s pledge from the National Party to deliver net zero carbon by 2050 is a bad-faith, disingenuous, and empty promise.
Only the Green Party will deliver free dental care for all
With more Green MPs we can build on Labour’s announcement today and make dental care free for everyone.
National needs to come clean about climate cuts
The National Party needs to come clean about the impact of its plan to raid the climate budget and cancel $2 billion of investment in action to cut emissions.
Crumbs from the property speculator’s table
High-income property speculators will be the biggest winners from a National Party tax plan that will send house prices and rents through the roof, and turbo-charge inequality.
Greens and community pressure secures win for Hauraki Gulf Tīkapa Moana
The Green Party is pleased that ongoing public pressure from environmental NGOs, recreational fishers, the Greens and citizens has persuaded the Government to consider a serious rollback of damaging bottom trawling over substantial areas of the Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana/Te Moanui-ā-Toi.
Labour needs to reconsider wealth tax
The announcement today that the Government has decided to cut funding to public services shows exactly why they need to tax wealth and big corporations.