The Rainbow Greens network aims to promote the rights and welfare of all rainbow/LGBTQIA+ people.
We are a group of rainbow party members from throughout the community. We stand for comprehensive rainbow education in schools, accessible and affirming health care for Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Pansexual, Trans, Intersex and Nonbinary people, and rainbow inclusive mental health services for all.
- If you'd like to join the Rainbow Greens, please fill out our join form here.
- If you're a current Green Party member you can request to join the Rainbow Greens Internal Facebook group.
- To join any network, including Rainbow Greens, you'll need to be a Green Party member. Join the Green Party here.
Contact: [email protected]
You can read the Green Party's Rainbow policy
Your donations will help us to educate, reach out and continue to advocate for our community. Thank you.