The Green Party will support publicly owned broadcasting services and fund locally produced content, prioritising those communities that are not well served by commercial interests, including Māori and children. We will support an independent media and enable community-based media.
A strong, diverse and independent media contributes to the maintenance of effective democracy, and to our social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing.
Values and Principles
Decisions relating to broadcasting and media must uphold the following values and principles:
- Honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi: Māori broadcasting and media should be prioritised and recognised as a platform to uphold the culture of tangata whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Ecological Wisdom: The environmental impact of the production and storage of broadcasting and media content should be minimised.
- Social Responsibility: The media should be accessible to people of all abilities, and used to inform, educate and entertain in a manner that supports citizens to participate effectively in democracy and appreciate each others’ needs, interests and aspirations.
- Appropriate Decision-Making: The right to broadcast or publish is balanced with expectations to act responsibly. An independent media should be responsibly self-regulating, resting on the foundation of a strong regulatory framework.
- Non-Violence: Non-violent resolution of political and social conflict is based on the knowledge, acceptance and understanding of diverse communities, and of their needs, interests and aspirations. Media should act as a means of checks and balances against the misuse or abuse of social, economic and political power.
- Independence: A vigorous, independent and diverse media is the cornerstone of a free society: Public broadcasting and community based media initiatives should be supported, and directives by the state, or ownership and control by international media conglomerates, or domination by local commercial monopolies should be avoided.
Strategic Priorities
The Green Party’s strategic goals include:
“As a Party we want to see Te Ao Māori and Te Reo Māori flourish in Aotearoa.
“All people will be empowered to shape the systems that affect them.”
Actions in this policy that will help achieve this include:
- Create the organisational structure necessary to establish, monitor and enforce obligations attached to the right to broadcast and stream content online, including honouring the rights and interests of tangata whenua under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. (1.1)
- Support quality public service broadcasting and digital media commons that nurture and promote our own talent and creativity as a nation, reflecting the unique social and cultural diversity of Aotearoa New Zealand. (2.1)
- Protect the political independence and public ownership of Radio New Zealand, Television New Zealand and the Māori Television Service and iwi radio. (2.2)
- Secure long term funding and support for the Māori Television Service and iwi radio stations to be independent, secure and successful. (3.1)
Connected Policies
A free and independent media makes a significant contribution to the effectiveness of our Democracy, Research, Science and Technology, and Education, through the provision of political debate, diverse perspectives and information about the world we live in. It is a key mechanism for celebrating the Arts, Culture and Heritage of Aotearoa New Zealand.