
  • Green Party calls for investigation of clean alternatives to Huntly coal

    The Green Party has today written to Energy and Resources Minister Simon Bridges, asking him to commission an independent study into the best options for replacing coal-burning electricity generation at Huntly with cleaner alternatives. The call follows electricity industry backlash against the decision by Huntly power plant owner Genesis to stop burning coal in 2018, and pressure from the industry for New Zealand to keep burning coal to generate electricity. “With the pressure coming on Genesis to keep burning coal,...
  • Govt can help victims of domestic violence stay in work

    The Green Party is calling on the Government to adopt Jan Logie’s Domestic Violence-Victims' Protection Bill following calls to change employment law to protect people from family violence. Submissions received as part of a Government review of family violence laws have recommended changing employment law to create paid employment leave for people in a family violence situation. “Providing protections for victims of abuse so they can stay in work is critical to reducing the effects of violence, and my Domestic...
  • Government’s sneaky moves push students into $15 billion debt

    The Government is forcing students into more debt, by keeping the student accommodation payment capped at 2004 levels for more than a decade, the Green Party says. Student Debt today tipped $15 billion. “The accommodation payment was capped at $40 a week for single students way back in 2004, before YouTube even existed,” Green Party tertiary education spokesperson Gareth Hughes said. “The average student today is likely to be paying 56 percent more rent than they were in 2004.* “Rents...
  • Nick Smith must explain why he won’t save lives & add a WoF to rental housing bill

    Building and Housing Minister Nick Smith must explain how many New Zealanders need to die and be admitted to hospital before he will add a life-saving rental housing warrant of fitness to the Residential Tenancies Amendment (RTA) Bill, the Green Party said today. Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei will be questioning Minister Smith today on the true cost of his choice to not include a proper rentals warrant of fitness in the RTA Bill – New Zealanders dying and getting...
  • Greens to push Nick Smith to improve RTA Bill

    Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei will use Question Time today to call on Building and Housing Minister Nick Smith to improve the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill so that Kiwi renters won’t get sick from living in cold, damp, mouldy homes. The Social Services Select Committee has been hearing submissions on the Bill, many of which have called for the Bill to be drastically improved and for a rental housing warrant of fitness to be included. “It’s time for Nick Smith...
  • Gap between minimum wage and Living Wage keeps growing

    The growing gap between what families need to earn to live and what the Government sets as the minimum wage, shows the National Government isn’t doing enough to ensure all New Zealanders can get ahead, the Green Party said. The Government today moved to increase the minimum wage by 50 cents to $15.25 an hour, while the Living Wage Movement announced the actual minimum amount a family needs to earn has increased by 55 cents to $19.80 an hour. “While...
  • Condolences for Dr Ranginui Walker

    The Green Party offers its condolences for the passing of Dr Ranginui Walker of Te Whakatōhea. “Dr Walker was held in huge esteem throughout New Zealand and by many of us in the Green Party,” Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said. “I have been on many panels with Ranginui and he has always been open to a fiery debate. He was incredibly well informed, highly opinionated, and always willing to have an open conversation. “As a Māori activist lawyer, then...
  • Taylor interview highlights desperate need for prison transparency

    TV3’s interview with prisoner Arthur Taylor once again highlights a worrying lack of transparency around our prison system, which the National Government has refused to open up to proper independent scrutiny, the Green Party said today. In an interview with TV3’s The Nation, prisoner Arthur Taylor claimed that many New Zealand prisons are still controlled by gangs, and that contraband like cellphones and cigarettes are regularly being smuggled in. “These are serious allegations, but without independent oversight New Zealanders are...
  • Govt sets up refugee services to fail

    The National Government has set up new-arrival refugees and the services that look after them to fail by not providing adequate funding, said the Green Party today.