This policy covers: Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Aotearoa New Zealand Diaspora; Services, Support and Human Rights; Meaningful Connections; and Participation in Society.


The Green Party celebrates the large and diverse diaspora of Aotearoa New Zealand, fosters mutually-beneficial and meaningful links to home, and safeguards our rights and well-being.

Values and Principles

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa

Let us keep close together, not far apart

This policy is grounded in the Green Party charter, international Green values and elementary policies of fairness, equity and human rights.

  • Honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi: Tangata whenua should lead all kaupapa related to Māori living overseas.
  • Ecological Wisdom: Overseas New Zealanders should be supported with sustainable and environmentally-conscious connections with home.
  • Social Responsibility: Overseas New Zealanders should have human rights, democratic rights and access to the principles of citizenship, regardless of where we live.
  • Appropriate decision-making: Overseas New Zealanders should have the opportunity to contribute to our home country and have their voices heard.
  • Non-violence: States have a basic duty of care to their citizens. This must include overseas New Zealanders and be free of political bias, favouritism or status based on perceived worth to our home country.

Connected Policies: 

The Aotearoa New Zealand diaspora are impacted by policy in several areas including Democracy and Constitutional Transformation, Disability, Health, Global Affairs, Immigration, Income Support, Rainbow, Tertiary Education, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and Workforce.

Image credit: By Allice Hunter - Number of New Zealanders living abroad per country: NW, 1615 L. St. Global Migration Map: Origins and Destinations, 1990-2017 (in en-US). Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project.